About Safe-Stable Email API - Aotsend

About Safe-Stable Email API - Aotsend

By Reducing Spam and Increasing IPs & Domains Reputation and Authority, AotSend Provides a more secure and reliable email API service.

AotSend is committed to enhancing the security and stability of its email delivery services by using a carefully designed API rather than relying on open SMTP interfaces or allowing unrestricted email content. This approach involves a rigorous approval process for built-in email templates, which helps to ensure that all outgoing messages adhere to best practices and reduce the likelihood of spam-related issues.


AotSend uses API to send emails instead of using open SMTP interfaces, reducing potential spam risks.

Email Content Review

All outgoing email content needs to undergo prior system review, including AI detection and manual inspection.

Variable Content Limit

There are limitations on variable content through API, such as verification codes not exceeding 10 characters.

Auto Anti-Spam Mechanism

AotSend includes built-in anti-spam features that automatically detect and block spam keywords and spam emails.

When email variables are submitted through the AotSend API, they are subjected to comprehensive anti-spam detection protocols. This proactive scrutiny helps to filter out potential spam content before it reaches the recipient’s inbox, thereby mitigating the risk of our IP addresses being blacklisted. As a result, our service maintains a strong and positive IP reputation, which is crucial for reliable email delivery and sender credibility.

AotSend New Customer Tutorial Usage Guide Steps

AotSend Email Template and Variable Usage Guide

AotSend Email API Example reference codes (PHP, Python, Java)

What are triggered emails, Features and Examples

What are Transaction emails, Features and Examples

Optimizing email subject and content to improve inbox rate - AotSend Handbook

AotSend Trigger email Compliance and Violation instructions

Daily Email Sending Rate of a New Domain - AotSend

By adhering to these stringent procedures, AotSend’s email API service not only provides enhanced security against spam but also ensures greater stability in email operations. This commitment to maintaining high standards in email management underscores our dedication to delivering a service that is both safe and reliable for our users.