Explanation of AotSend's 99% Delivery Rate and 98% Inbox Rate

Understanding the 99% Delivery Rate

The 99% delivery rate claimed by AotSend represents a theoretical value, which is calculated after excluding several factors that could lead to delivery failures. These factors include:

  1. - Non-existent email addresses

  2. - Disabled email accounts

  3. - Incorrectly formatted email addresses

  4. - Full inboxes

  5. - Invalid domain names

  6. - Delivery failures due to abnormal sending rates

  7. - Rejected emails due to spam filters

  8. - Rejected emails due to risky links

By removing the impact of these non-technical issues from the calculation, AotSend is able to achieve a theoretical average delivery rate of 99%. This high delivery rate is a result of meticulous filtering and quality control processes that ensure emails are sent only to valid and active addresses.

Understanding the 98% Inbox Rate

The 98% inbox rate provided by AotSend is also a theoretical value, dependent on several conditions that contribute to successful email delivery to the recipient’s inbox rather than the spam or junk folder. Key factors influencing this rate include:

  • - Stable Sending Volume and Rate: Consistency in the daily volume of emails sent and the rate at which they are sent helps in maintaining the sender's reputation.

  • - Domain Reputation: Accumulating a positive reputation for the sending domain over time increases the likelihood of emails landing in the inbox.

  • - Content Quality: Ensuring emails are free from risky keywords—such as those related to gambling, finance, or cryptocurrencies—that could trigger security reviews by recipient email servers.

  • - Link Safety: Avoiding the inclusion of risky links—such as those pointing to gambling or fraudulent websites, or domains with a history of risk.

Under these stable and secure sending conditions, and with a domain that has established a strong reputation, the theoretical inbox rate can reach approximately 98%. This rate signifies that emails are likely to be delivered directly to the inbox rather than being filtered into spam.

In summary, both the 99% delivery rate and the 98% inbox rate represent theoretical values based on ideal conditions and rigorous filtering processes. They reflect the high standards and effectiveness of AotSend's email delivery infrastructure in maintaining email deliverability and inbox placement.