Email API for Developers API Handbook

About AOTsend

AOTsend is a Transaction Email API provider specializing in Safe-Stable email delivery. 

$0.28 per 1000 emails. 

99% Delivery, 98% Inbox rate. 

AOT means Always On Time for email delivery. 

By Limiting Spam and Increasing IPs & Domains Reputation and Authority, AOTsend Provides a more secure and reliable sending email API service.

Support Email Types: reminders, authentication, confirmations, notifications, verification codes, invoices, password resets, account activations, billing statements, two-factor authentication (2FA), and one-time passwords (OTP) emails, etc.


    AotSend Email API Config Document

Request URL

Request Method



Parameter Required Type Description
app_key Yes Character string API Key
template_id Yes Character string Template ID
to Yes Character string Recipient email address
reply_to No Character string Default reply address
alias No Character string Sender name
is_random No 1 or 0 Domain sender rotation, 1 is enabled
data No JSON Template variables

Data Parameter Examples

If the template contains variables {{name}} and {{address}}, and the data parameters in the API call include the corresponding values for name and address, the email sent will display the provided data. Note that variables for which no parameters are provided will be removed from the email.

      "name": "Jack",     "address": "New York",

Return Parameters

Parameters Required Type Description
code Yes Value Return Code
message Yes Character string Return result explanation

Return Examples

     "code": 200,     "message": "Request successful", 

Code Return Comparison

Value Text Description
200 Request successful
40001 API key cannot be empty
40002 Authentication failed API key error
40003 Template ID incorrect
40004 The recipient's address cannot be empty
40005 The recipient's address format is incorrect
40006 The default reply address reply_to format is incorrect
40007 Insufficient balance
40008 Data format error .

Examples of Email API Call

Click to check: AotSend Reference for Email API Call Example(PHP、Python、Java)