Compliance and Violation instructions -AOTsend

Must Read: AotSend is for Sending Triggered Emails Only. 

All email content and variables are collected by the system. Violations will result in permanent account suspension and freezing of funds.

✔️ Compliant Emails (Allowed 👍)

Includes emails related to:

  • Registration verification codes, verification code logins, etc.

  • Risk notifications, location alerts, etc.

  • Password resets, forgotten passwords, etc.

  • Order notifications, order cancellations, order payments, etc.

  • Balance reminders, account recharge confirmations, membership expirations, etc.

  • Authentication notifications, real-name verification, authenticity checks, etc.

Non-Compliant Emails (Not Allowed 👎)

Includes emails related to:

  • Product promotions, software recommendations, product advertisements, etc.

  • Emails related to any illegal content.

For any questions, please consult customer support.