🎯 Managed Email API · 99% Delivery 98% Inbox

Transactional Email API

Own Technology:0.28USD/1k Emails

AOTsend is a Managed Email API system designed for Transactional Email delivery. Best Price for best Secure&Stable Email API.
Support Email Types: reminders, authentication, confirmations, notifications, verification codes, invoices, password resets, account activations, billing statements, two-factor authentication (2FA), and one-time passwords (OTP) emails, etc.


AotSend - Pricing Plans
Email API $0.28 per 1000 Emails

AotSend transaction email sending API prices as low as $0.28 per 1000 emails. AotSend offers pricing plans categorized as Lite, Advanced, and Premium plans. The cost per 1000 emails varies among these different member plans. Customers choose according to own needs.
Support Payment: PayPal, Credit Cards, USDT

Lite Plan
$ 0.28 /1000 Emails
  • Secure&Stable Email API
  • Only Dashboard Statistics
  • Config 1 Domain
  • Config 1 Sender
  • Config 1 Email Template
  • Lite IP Pool
  • 7 Days Data
  • Multi IPs & Domains Rotation
  • Global Intelligent Optimization
  • Automatic Warm-Up Funstion
  • Advanced Function > Read More
Advanced Plan
$ 0.56 /1000 Emails
  • Secure&Stable Email API
  • View All Statistics Menu
  • Config 5 Domain
  • Config 15 Sender
  • Config 15 Email Template
  • Advanced IP Pool🔥
  • 7 Days Data🔥
  • Multi IPs & Domains Rotation🔥
  • Global Intelligent Optimization
  • Automatic Warm-Up Funstion🔥
  • Advanced Function > Read More
Premium Plan
$ 0.84 /1000 Emails
  • Secure&Stable Email API
  • View All Statistics Menu
  • Config 999 Domain
  • Config 999 Sender
  • Config 999 Email Template
  • Premium IP Pool🔥
  • 365 Days Data🔥
  • Multi IPs & Domains Rotation🔥
  • Global Intelligent Optimization🔥
  • Automatic Warm-Up Funstion🔥
  • Advanced Function > Read More
Whats Difference between AotSend Plans?

The Lite plan offers limited domain and sender quantities. The Advanced plan includes more configurable domains and sender options, along with additional statistical data menus. The Premium plan features the highest number of domains and senders, and extends statistical data tracking from 7 days to 365 days. Additionally, the quality of the IP pool varies with each plan—the higher the plan tier, the higher the corresponding IP pool's weight, resulting in better delivery effectiveness.

What Payments Are Supported for AotSend?

AotSend email API system supports multiple payment methods such as PayPal, credit cards, cryptocurrencies, etc. For assistance, please contact customer service.

What is the billing method for AotSend?

The AotSend email sending API operates on a prepaid deposit and real-time billing basis. This means customers need to deposit funds into the system before they can start sending emails. Charges are deducted in real-time after emails are sent. It is important to recharge promptly if the balance is low.

How are successful and failed emails billed?

AotSend e-mail API sending process: request API, system processes the request and submits for sending, mail server receives the request and sends the email, email is either successfully sent or fails. Based on this process, the charges are as follows: for all emails that enter the mail server and complete the sending process, regardless of whether the email is successfully sent or fails, a charge is applied per email.

Does the AotSend API system support refunds?

We support refunds for prepaid account balances; however, expenses incurred from all sent emails are non-refundable. Refunds are processed within 3-10 business days and are returned via the original payment method.

Can invoices be issued for payments made on AotSend?

Invoices can be issued. Only PDF invoices sent via email are supported.

Select a Plan To Start Sending Emails

How to Select A Plan To Start?

If you're only sending emails with one domain, such as verification codes, starting with the Lite plan is the most cost-effective option. If your project involves sending various types of emails, like verification codes, password reset requests, and balance notifications, then the Advanced plan is suitable. For projects needing multiple domains to ramp up daily email volume, especially for cold-start scenarios where domains lack reputation, the Premium plan is recommended. This plan allows for optimizing daily send volumes through rotating multiple domains. Additionally, if extended statistical data is necessary, the Premium plan offers longer-term analytics.
Supports upgrading plans but not support downgrading them.

From Lite Plan Start!

Why AotSend Email API Secure&Stable?

AotSend insists on using API to send emails and adheres to built-in email template approval mechanisms, rather than using open SMTP interfaces or unrestricted email content. All email variables submitted via API undergo built-in anti-spam detection processes to restrict potential spam, thereby avoiding IP pool blacklist issues and protecting IP reputation. Therefore, AotSend's email API service is more Secure and Stable.

No-Speed-Limit Sending Emails

AotSend utilizes an No-Speed-Limit email sending API interface, primarily aiming to provide customers with a hassle-free and reliable user experience. Each customer can effortlessly send millions of emails daily. Not considering recipient mailbox rejection.

0.28 USD per 1000 Emails

AotSend possesses professional expertise in independently building mail server infrastructure, significantly reducing the cost of sending transactional emails. AotSend offers various pricing plans to cater to different service needs of customers.

99% Delivery, 96% Inbox Rates

AotSend uses built-in email templates and API interfaces to restrict spam, protect and improve IP reputation, thereby offering customers higher delivery and inbox placement rates. Data does not count non-existent mailboxes.

Common Questions and Answers about Email API

We have compiled frequently asked questions from customers regarding mail API and SMTP, and provided detailed answers below. Helping customers better understand trigger Transactional email sending APIs.

Common Questions About Choosing AotSend Email API

Why Choose AotSend Email Delivery API? What are our key features? How do we differ from and excel over similar trigger-based email API products?

2 Q&A

AotSend email API service philosophy revolves around: niche segmentation, simplicity with robustness, and dedicated stability. This means developing vertical products tailored to specific industries, ensuring user-friendly yet powerful functionalities, and focusing on stable email delivery through a dedicated IP pool for trigger-based emails. Key reasons to choose AotSend's email API delivery interface include: competitive pricing at 0.28USD per thousand emails, dedicated IP pools, IP rotation, robust data analytics, global content acceleration, intelligent global acceleration, automatic record deletion after 7 days, dynamic variables, pre-set email templates, and comprehensive data tracking capabilities.

The core difference lies in Amazon SES's capability to handle both transactional and marketing emails, which makes it powerful but also susceptible to issues with spam control. This often results in a significant number of IPs being blacklisted by ISPs, leading to occasional delivery failures. In contrast, AotSend's email API product was designed exclusively for transactional and trigger-based emails such as reminder email, authentication email, confirmation email, notification email, verification code email, info email, triggered email, OTP emails, 2FA emails, billing emails, etc. AotSend strictly prohibits the use of SMTP and only allows API-based sending of pre-approved templates. The strict limitations on SMTP technology and predefined email content provide direct advantages, including a delivery rate exceeding 99% and an inbox rate exceeding 96%. This significantly reduces the risk of losing customers due to occasional undelivered emails caused by IP blacklisting. Additionally, Amazon SES offers relatively basic data analytics compared to AotSend, lacks global intelligent acceleration, and does not support automatic variables. AotSend excels in these areas, providing more robust features and capabilities.

Regarding API email delivery rate and inbox rate

Many customers have insufficient understanding of email delivery rates and inbox rates with email sending APIs. The following content on email delivery interfaces may be helpful.

3 Q&A

Based on real customer data, AotSend's email delivery rate exceeds 99% (excluding failures due to non-technical reasons like formatting errors, full mailboxes, and non-existent email addresses). Our high delivery rate is attributed to our meticulous design of trigger-based email scenarios and rigorous maintenance of email templates within the AotSend platform. AotSend imposes restrictions in four key areas: sending IP, sending email address, email type, and email content, which collectively enhance email delivery effectiveness. Furthermore, AotSend utilizes a carefully selected high-weight IP pool dedicated solely to trigger-based emails. This strategy encourages a positive feedback loop where higher delivery rates lead to increased IP reputation. As IP reputation improves, email delivery rates also rise, creating a stable and high-quality environment for our email API product.

Based on the premise of sending transactional emails, if your domain is an old domain with a history of consistent email sending, trigger-based emails sent from this domain typically go directly to the inbox after domain DNS configuration. In rare cases, some old domains may require a 1-5 day warm-up period before achieving inbox delivery. For new domains, after initiating email sending, the inbox rate generally increases gradually over a domain warm-up period of 3-15 days, progressing from 20%, 40%, 60%, to 80%, and eventually exceeding 90%. As you continue to send emails over time and accumulate sending volume, the domain's reputation will increase, leading to a delivery rate that gradually exceeds 99%. The exact timeline depends on your average daily email volume and the email content. It's important to note that new domains typically lack reputation and a sending history, which may result in emails being delivered into spam folders initially due to not being whitelisted by mail servers. This is a normal and temporary occurrence. As long as you consistently send legitimate trigger-based emails and avoid significant spam reports, your emails will gradually be recognized as legitimate and increasingly delivered to recipients' inboxes. With continued stable email sending practices, both delivery and inbox rates will improve. Customers should not be concerned about this process.

For the AotSend email API interface, improving delivery and inbox placement rates involves several key strategies. First, it's crucial to rigorously maintain a legitimate customer base and minimize potential risks. Second, increasing the reputation of email IPs by maximizing valid sends and reducing invalid ones is essential. Lastly, optimizing email template content and incorporating advanced predefined variables can significantly enhance email delivery and inbox placement rates. From the customer's perspective, adhering strictly to AotSend's email categorization and template guidelines when calling the API and sending emails is paramount. Secondly, verifying email authenticity before triggering email sends—ensuring the email addresses are valid—increases the effectiveness of email sends. Finally, using advanced variables in the email API judiciously and appropriately to diversify email template content helps boost inbox placement rates effectively.

Customer Reviews

Real customer feedback from users of the AotSend email API

"I switched to a new OTP email API service provider because I was unsatisfied with the delivery rate of Amazon SES emails. Upon discovering this well-crafted website, I decided to set up the API for testing verification code email and 2FA email. After trying it out, we were very pleased. The system supports automatic deletion of records after 7 days, alleviating privacy concerns. Additionally, its data analytics capabilities are much stronger compared to Amazon SES. I promptly arranged for our technical team to integrate the AotSend email API. We've been using it for over 2 months now and are extremely satisfied!"

California, USA

"Previously, we used SMTP for email delivery, but we weren't satisfied with the delivery and inbox rates. We often received feedback from customers that they couldn't receive emails such as verification, reminder, confirmation, and notification emails. After finding this new service provider, we haven't had any more issues with customers not receiving emails. AotSend has excellent product quality, affordable pricing, and is an outstanding product that we plan to use long-term. Highly recommended!"

New York, USA